The Challenge
The challenge was to create a 5 part infographic that looked at the misconceptions around emerging markets. The infographic had to take the charts and data provided by the client and synthesize them into a visual design that was easy to understand and could be used on social and other channels. The infographic had to be informative, engaging, and eye-catching.
The challenge was to create a 5 part infographic that looked at the misconceptions around emerging markets. The infographic had to take the charts and data provided by the client and synthesize them into a visual design that was easy to understand and could be used on social and other channels. The infographic had to be informative, engaging, and eye-catching.
The Solution
The solution was to use a complementary color palette, simple and elegant graphics, bold and catchy headlines, and clear and concise data labels and captions. The solution also made sure that each part of the infographic had a consistent style and layout, and that the whole infographic told a coherent and compelling story.
The solution was to use a complementary color palette, simple and elegant graphics, bold and catchy headlines, and clear and concise data labels and captions. The solution also made sure that each part of the infographic had a consistent style and layout, and that the whole infographic told a coherent and compelling story.
The Result
The result was a well-designed and well-received infographic that challenged the common myths and stereotypes about emerging markets. The infographic demonstrated the ability to design effective visual communication materials.
The result was a well-designed and well-received infographic that challenged the common myths and stereotypes about emerging markets. The infographic demonstrated the ability to design effective visual communication materials.